'We want to preserve the natural environment by merging our resort with the local village and mountain. Our customers can have therapy [ sessions] in the forest which can help calm people's minds,' said Wu. Wu表示:公司希望将疗养度假村与当地村庄和山区融合在一起,由此来保护自然环境;我们的顾客可以在树林中享受养生疗法,这种做法可以平复人的心灵。
The image of the city is not only buildings and streets but also a mix of cities, architecture and natural environment, I e. an artificial beauty merging into nature. 城市形象不仅仅是建筑加道路的形象,而是以人工美入自然,将城市和建筑融汇到自然环境中的形象。